Pigeons, with their cooing and scavenging tendencies, can quickly become unwelcome guests around homes and public spaces. As intelligent birds, they adapt easily to urban environments, making pigeon control a common concern. Whether you’re dealing with nuisance pigeons on your balcony, rooftop, or in public areas, finding effective and humane methods to keep them away is essential. 

In this guide, we’ll explore practical strategies and deterrents to help you maintain a pigeon-free environment and protect your property from the inconveniences associated with these urban birds.

How to Keep Pigeons Away 

The most favorable pigeon control method is to prevent bird infestations in the first place. Here, we will show you precisely how to do that quickly and easily. 

Limit Food and Water

Limit the pigeon’s access to your bird feeders by using feeder guards. These metal cages fit around the outside of your tube feeders. When the pigeon tries to access it, they cannot squeeze through the openings. However, smaller birds such as chickadees and nuthatches fit just fine.

Limit food sources by picking up spilled food from your feeders. In addition, it is best to keep trash and debris off your yard. Reduce water sources by limiting bird baths, baby pools, and any items that can collect rainwater. Also, keep gutter systems free of leaves and other debris to prevent pooling.

Bird Spikes

Use screws or construction sealant to fasten bird spike strips made from stainless steel to keep pigeons from roosting on rooftops and ledges. Specialized roosting spikes made of plastic are either glued onto various surfaces or screwed into place.

The spikes stand up to heat and cold. When the bird tries to land, it cannot gain a foothold and slides off.


It is crucial to seal any holes where birds can enter your home with stainless steel wire mesh. You can also use expansion foam, but it will not last as long. Be sure to close all openings around attics, eaves, and roof areas.

Modifying Ledges

Professional wildlife managers often modify ledges, turning a 90-degree ledge into a 45-degree slope, using sloping PVC sheets. Install them on smooth surfaces with non-silicone construction adhesives. The sheets stand up to heat and cold. When the bird tries to land on the angled surface, it slides right off.

Bird Netting

Bird netting can wrap storage sheds and other small outdoor structures. You can also employ nets to protect saplings and young trees by placing the net over the entire tree or plant. Then, wrap it around the trunk and secure it with twine.

Bird Deterrents

Decoys of natural predators like plastic owls can scare pigeons and deter them from returning. However, it is important to rotate these deterrents frequently since pigeons can become accustomed to them quickly.

Ultrasonic Devices

You can also try ultrasonic scaring devices, which emit an inaudible (ultrasonic) sound to birds and repel them. Some evidence suggests these tools can help deter pigeons. The best devices utilize both ultrasonic and audible alarms along with flashing lights for greater effect.

Pigeon Repellents

Bird repellent gels contain natural essential oils to prevent pigeons and other pest bird species from landing on treated areas. The gels protect by creating an illusion of danger, giving off unpleasant odors, and leaving an unpleasant residue.

You can typically apply these gels safely to ledges, window sills, balconies, skylights, and HVAC equipment.

Home Remedies

Products that create reflective surfaces can scare birds away by installing several hanging rods or discs using a string. DIY solutions include using old CDs or reflective tape. Some homeowners combine these reflective deterrents with wind chimes for greater impact.

Essential oil repellents containing fragrances like peppermint, lavender, and rosemary can also discourage pigeons.

Things That Attract Pigeons

Pigeons rely on humans providing necessities like food, water, nesting sites, and roosting areas to survive. They’re adaptable and will eat almost anything in urban environments, although they prefer peas, millet, and grains. They usually eat baked goods like cakes and bread in city areas. They tend to target larger pieces of food over crumbs.

Pigeons don’t usually bathe in bird baths but do seek out standing water to stay hydrated, needing about one ounce per day.

For nesting, pigeons favor ledges and overhangs where they can build nests from organic materials cemented together by feces. These protected spots also serve as roosting areas where pigeons like to line up close together, likely helping the flock stay warm and ward off predators.

If you have problems with other pest bird species, I recommend our guide on how to install a sprinkler system that discourages birds from hanging around your yard or garden. If you’re a bird watcher and enjoy the presence of birds in your yard, give our post about creating a bird-friendly yard a read.

So, Is Keeping Pigeons Away Difficult?

Keeping pigeons away requires diligence and a multi-pronged approach. It’s an ongoing process, not a one-and-done treatment. The most favorable pigeon control method is exclusion — sealing off potential roosting, nesting, and entry points. Physical deterrents like bird spikes can also make locations less hospitable to pigeons.

Repellents and reflective deterrents provide additional lines of defense but may need frequent rotation. Ultimately, the key is making your home as unwelcoming as possible by eliminating food, water sources, and sufficient shelter. Consistent monitoring and maintenance of all deterrents is essential.

While do-it-yourself pigeon control is possible, professional pest control services have powerful chemicals and treatment methods inaccessible to ordinary consumers. They can fully rid a property of large, established flocks.

Today’s Homeowner Tips

Pigeons seldom roost alone but tend to line up or huddle together. Scientists believe this behavior helps keep the flock warm as well as ward off predators.

FAQs About Pigeon Control

What is the most effective way to get rid of pigeons?

The best long-term solution is exclusion through sealing potential entry points, blocking access to nesting sites, and installing physical deterrents like bird spikes. Professional pest control technicians also have access to powerful chemicals that can eliminate infestations.

How do you keep pigeons from roosting on your roof?

Install bird spikes along the roofline using construction adhesive or screws. Slope rooftop ledges at a 45-degree angle. Apply bird-repellent gels to make landing uncomfortable. Use decoys and reflective deterrents to scare off pigeons.

What scent do pigeons hate?


What is the best pigeon poison?

Avitrol is a restricted-use pesticide available only to licensed technicians. It contains 4-aminopyridine to frighten and disorient pigeon flocks so they abandon their roosts. However, poison baits can harm other wildlife and pets.

Do fake owls work to scare pigeons?

Fake owl decoys can help deter pigeons, especially if moved frequently, so they do not get accustomed. Motion-activated models with flashing lights tend to work best for scaring numerous pest bird species. Using multiple types of decoys is most effective.

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Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas

Expert Writer & Reviewer

Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas is a globetrotting content writer hailing from the USA. With a passion for pest control, he brings a unique perspective to his writing from his early years working for one of the largest pest control companies in America. Throughout his early 20s, Jordan gained valuable experience and knowledge in the field, tackling pest infestations head-on and ensuring the well-being of countless homes.

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