The sound of a cricket’s song is soothing to many people and symbolizes the beauty of nature and all it has to offer. However, if you’ve ever had crickets in your home, this sound could be less of a comfort and more of an annoyance. Perhaps you’ve even wondered whether or not crickets are harmful and if they carry any diseases. 

Knowing if crickets are harmful and how they can affect your day-to-day life can help you be vigilant if you notice a lot of them in or around your home. Not only are they loud, but they’re also a fairly frightening looking bug, and knowing what you can about them can help demystify them. 

In this article, you’ll learn: 

  • Are Crickets Dangerous to Humans? 
  • Are Crickets Dangerous to Any Pets?
  • Are Crickets Poisonous?
  • Do Crickets Sting or Bite? 
  • Do Crickets Pose Any Health Risk?
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Are Crickets Dangerous to Humans? 

For the most part, crickets aren’t dangerous to humans in the same way we think of other insects as being dangerous to humans. They don’t have any venom or poison that can cause neurological damage or numbing like scorpions, and while they do have mouths that can chew and bite, they generally don’t bite people. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have their own harmful effects. 

Most of the danger from crickets comes from their chirping. If you’ve ever had a cricket in your home, you know that house crickets can emit a sound that can be incessant and incredibly irritating. On top of that, they’ll stop making this sound if you get close to them, which makes them very hard to find and remove. A cricket infestation in your home or basement can be very mentally draining, and the chirping sound can even cause insomnia.  

You might be asking if crickets bite, and while they don’t bite humans, they certainly do bite and chew fabrics and upholstery. Some types of crickets, like mole crickets, will build small mounds in your yard. If crickets get into your home, you may notice that they’re leaving chew marks on your clothing or furniture and even your wallpaper. This will be especially apparent if you have houseplants, as crickets love to chew on leaves and flowers.

Are Crickets Dangerous to Any Pets?

Crickets won’t usually be directly harmful to pets, but that doesn’t mean an infestation isn’t without risks. Crickets and grasshoppers are hard-bodied insects, which means they have an exoskeleton that protects their insides with a hard shell. If your pet ingests this exoskeleton, it could develop an irritation in its mouth and problems with digestion. This is why if you have a cricket issue in your home, it’s best to take care of it right away. 

Some crickets that are less common inside the house, like field crickets and camel crickets, can also carry parasites that can harm your pets. This is one of the ways that your dog or cat could contract worms or other potentially dangerous parasites. Exercising cricket prevention in your yard and home can help keep your pets from eating these pests and getting sick, even if it’s a relatively rare occurrence.

Are Crickets Poisonous? 

While crickets themselves aren’t poisonous, they can carry harmful diseases like salmonella and even transmit E. Coli. Usually, this can only be contracted if you happen to handle an affected cricket, but if they get into your home and are walking around on your counter or table, they could very well be spreading this bacteria wherever they walk.

If you then prepare food on those surfaces, you could be exposing yourself to these health risks and can easily get very sick. 

One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is to cut off any accessibility from the outside into your home. Cutting off entry points and making sure that no pests can get into the house from the outdoors will keep crickets away and ensure that no other pests like termites or spiders get in either.

Do Crickets Sting or Bite? 

Crickets don’t have stingers, even though they may look like they do at first glance. They have long antennae and back legs, but they don’t have any stingers or sharp appendages. However, they do have mouthparts that can hurt if they choose to bite you or one of your pets. The thing is, though, they rarely do and would be more likely to run away or try to hide if you even got close enough to them. 

However, crickets can bite through fabric and textiles and will often chew through things like furniture and clothing if they’re allowed to roam free in the house.

One of the first signs that you need pest control services and cricket control is property damage like chewed-up curtains or bedding. If you’re noticing things like this in your home and hearing the sound of crickets, it might be time to think about getting some professional help. 

Do Crickets Pose Any Health Risk? 

By far, the biggest health risk posed by crickets is the potential for disease. Because they’re pests just like any other, their feces can be dangerous and possibly hold pathogens. Homeowners should be wary of any crickets that make their way into their house and should be considering all their options when it comes to getting rid of them and making sure they stay out.

Suppose you’re noticing any rashes or skin irritation and hearing the sound of crickets. In that case, this could be a sign that you’re being exposed to harmful bacteria, and you should be getting professional pest control to remove them.

Today’s Homeowner Tips
Crickets can bite through fabric and textiles and will often chew through things like furniture and clothing if they’re allowed to roam free in the house. One of the first signs that you need pest control services and cricket control is property damage like chewed-up curtains or bedding.

Final Thoughts

The best way to prevent health issues with crickets is to make sure they stay out of your home at all times. A pest control professional can work with you and come up with a solution to your cricket infestation.

They will make sure that your home is secure and that all your windows and door sweeps are sealed so you can be certain that crickets won’t be able to get in and spread bacteria.

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Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management.

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